
FabLab, as one of many organizations in a network (fablabs.io) of similar ones, has been participating in different activities, in framework of different events, organized or by participating. Since we were funded, it was clear three directions where we have to orient our activities. Those are, not always clear divided but overlapping and complement each other:

  • Education – Education (R)evolution – focused on education, to engage young population, but with activities for all ages, by bringing new technologies of digital fabrication and makers culture with goal to improve STE[A]M skills with Design Thinking
    • Make@School – special initiative since 2013 with focus on primary and secondary education, but also with linking  three level of education by working together  with strong social innovation. As part of this initiative, we proposed implementation of creative labs in primary schools as part of local communities.
  • Community – Give a hand – focused on strengthen local communities with new technologies, with specific focus to people with disabilities, which can use those knowledge and technologies to help themselves and help other to become important part of society.
  • Entrepreneurship – Do Local Go Global  – focused to entrepreneurial mindset development and innovative solutions inspired by local context with global ambition.

In last few years, our activities, have been recognized, mostly on EU level, but also on national level so fourth direction is toward governments.

  • GovernmentDigital transformation – is focused on local, national, but also EU policy makers to help them understand of potential, impact, and possible direction of trends toward better society.

Our activities were recognized by international partners and some become  part of EU projects we are performing. Anyone who is interested should feel free to support us in the above activities. We are also open to suggestions!