
FabLab, as one of a global network of similar organizations ( ), deals with a variety of activities in the form of project implementation and participation in various events, and in our work we also support related initiatives.

The projects we are working on or have completed are:

  1. Horizon 2020 DOIT Europe
  2. InterReg CE FabLabNet
  3. Horizon 2020 Make-IT
  4. STE[A]M Week, Ministry of Science and Education
  5. STE[A]M Show, Ministry of Science and Education in cooperation with Mehatronik association

In addition to working on projects, we show results and lessons learned by organizing our own events, and participating in various events organized by our partners or other organizations, of which we can highlight:

  1. Maker Faire Zagreb, organization
  2. Maker Island BiĊĦevo, organization
  3. Makers Week Zadar, organization
  4. 3D printing Open Days, organization
  5. New technologies Open Days, organization
  6. European Maker Week, organization for Croatia
  7. Maker Faire events across Europe
  8. Popup Fablab, participation on other events

In addition to these basic activities, we design various initiatives ourselves, which in this preparatory phase can grow into projects, and we support related initiatives around the world:

  • Adriatic GreenLab, our own initiative to contribute to islands and remote areas
  • Fab City, global initiative by FabLab Barcelona and MIT
  • Precious Plastic, global initiative by Dave Hakkens
  • FabLab@School
  • e-Nabling the Future

In addition, we should not forget the three directions of our mission:

  • Education – focused on the transformation of education, with an emphasis on activities in schools aimed at encouraging the creativity of young people carried out under the name (R) Evolution of Education and Creatures in School
  • Local communities – aimed at involving individuals and local communities, associations and interest groups that technology can help in everyday life called Reach out.
  • Entrepreneurship – aimed at developing an entrepreneurial mentality, encouraging creativity, new ideas and accelerating the process from idea to prototype called Act locally go globally.
  • Strategy – by involving individual members in activities at the level of policy contributions to At the EU level, as well as at the national level, the fourth direction of the mission refers to strategies and policies at all levels, which we want to help implement all of the above.

All interested are invited to support us in the above activities, and all other suggestions are welcome!

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