Events are important part of our mission to involve citizens and local communities. FabLab supports all types of events organized by local communities, especially those that involve some form of education.
From the beginning, we also organized our own events to promote our activities. Already in 2013, we hosted the annual 3D Printing Open Days event, which over time and our experience has grown into major events such as Maker Faire Zagreb and STE[A]M Week. In addition, they participated and supported European Makers Week, and PopUp Fablab within the Design District and Q’Art events in Zagreb, as well as workshops as part of Creative Days on the Island of Prvić, activities at KvartArt in Zadar, and many others.
We would like to emphasize our cooperation after the STE[A]M week in Zadar and participation in KvartArt with communities in Zadar throughout 2019, which should result in the organization of Makers Week Zadar event in 2020.
Recent collaborations with Vukovar, Slavonski Brod and Varaždin have also been active.
Anyone who might be interested from all around Croatia is invited to help us with our next events, but other suggestions are welcome as well!