Kreativni dani Fausta Vrancica, 7-9.10.2016.
Ove godine pozvani smo od udruge Otok da približimo 3D ispis lokalnoj zajendici i djeci u sklopu događanja “Kreativni dani Fausta Vrančića” od 7-9. listopada, 2016. na otoku Prviću, otoku Fausta Vrančića.
Prvi dan je bio rezerviran za radionice s djecom, a drugi dan smo postavili opremu na rivu i lokalnoj zajednici pokazali tehnologiju koja i njima može biti korisna u realizaciji ideja i problema s kojima se susreću.
This we were invited by association Otok to bring 3D printing to local community and kids as part of event “Creative days of Faust Vrancic ” from 7 till 9th October, 2016. on Island Prviću, island where Fausta Vrancic spend his summers.
First day was reserved for organized visits of kids from schools, and second day we decided to bring our equipment to to seafront closer to community which might use it to bring thir ideas to reality and solve some of their problems.