Education (R)evolution
Education (R)evolution is most important mission an activity and a short for title of the initiative Make@School (Stvori u školi), with the objective of encouraging creative and productive way of thinking in children in elementary schools. Also, it is a part of a global inititative Fablab@School.
Within the framework of this initiative, as a small pilot project, we visit elementary schools that show interest, and bring children closer to modern technologies that can enable them to create their ideas, bring STE[A]M skills closer through Design Thinking methodology.
Mission is related to the transformation of education and our contribution to learn a different way of learning, learning by doing. All this has resulted in activities in schools, libraries, but also working on projects such as FabLabNet or DOIT Europe, and with international groups such as Innovation in Education and networks such as European Schools of Makers or FabLearn.
We have visited dozens of schools so far, and some of them have been included in our projects. More about visits to schools and their involvement in projects can be found on other pages and publications.