Public policies
Since 2017, FabLab, through its members, has been involved in the working group at the national level, Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and thoughtful societies (SC6). The Ministry of Science and Education has launched Reference Groups as an important part of the national support system for the implementation of Horizon 2020 in Croatia, which has been lacking so far. Reference groups are appointed as advisory bodies. Their role is to provide support to the members of the SC6 Program Committee in the form of giving statements and opinions on documents related to Horizon 2020, including the relevant Work Program, but also other documents in which the Republic of Croatia is asked to comment or comment on certain issues related to research, development. and innovation in areas within this configuration.
At EU level, the European Commission has established a dialogue with representatives of the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in the context of the renewed European Industrial Policy Strategy adopted in 2017. The aim of the dialogue would be to identify policy needs and support a comprehensive framework for cultural and cultural industries. tomorrow. At the end of 2018, a representative of FabLab was invited to a working group with the aim of drafting a whitepaper document on the contribution of creative and cultural industries to the EU 2030 economic strategy.