
Equipment, digital fabrication technologies, are in core of FabLab activities. However, those are just tools, but even more important are skills and ideas how to use those tools. Here are most popular 3D printers of different constructions, FDM, SLA, Delta, but also laser cutter and engraver, cnc router and others. We also pormote work with analog tools, and those which requires handwork.

Because of different focused activities, FabLab is also equiped with other cutting edge technologies to help develop specific projects. Sample is biosensors which are used both to work in education with kids, but also for some projects for people with specific needs.

Beside biosensors and other electronics based on Arduino and Raspberry Pi developing platforms, here are some other sensors to develop IoT, both for individuals, and for space around us.

Sensors are used also for 3D scanning, using different affordable, from Kinect, Structure Sensor, but also mid range technology like David Laser, structural light 3D scanner is used and explored on some projects.

Hardware is only one part, but important čini i programska podrška, prvenstveno zasnovana na opensource programima, ali i dobivenim licencama npr. od tvrtke Autodesk.