events,  Tematska sustavna podrška

Garešnica Infinity Festival 14.6.2024.

In collaboration with the City of Garešnica, the Northern Moslavina Tourist Board, the SFERIA Garešnica Association, and the August Šenoa Secondary School from Garešnica, the Garešnica Infinity Festival was held on June 14th. Between 10 AM and 5 PM, the festival attracted a total of 1,500 visitors, mainly students from Garešnica and the surrounding areas in organized visits.

The goal of the festival was to popularize science and art among young people, combining themes of space and music inspired by two prominent figures from Garešnica: NASA scientist Milojko Mike Vucelić and singer Ivo Robić. A unique feature of the festival was that students, including primary school children, were encouraged to actively participate in conducting workshops, where, under the guidance of mentors, they led activities for visitors. This approach further boosted their self-confidence and communication skills.

The example of the Garešnica Infinity Festival clearly demonstrates how local communities can use innovative approaches to educate and inspire young people, raising awareness about the importance of knowledge and technology through both education and entertainment.