PopUp FabLab: OŠ Ivana Gorana Kovačića & XVIII. gimnazija
Dok radimo na umrežavanju na sajmu u Rimu, druga je ekipa održavala radionice za oko 150 djece iz OŠ Ivan Goran Kovačić i oko 30 mladih iz XVIII. gimnazije. Naši mladi kolege iz Strojarske tehničke škole Faust Vrančić, pod vodstvom Kristine Škaler pokazali temu 3D modeliranja i 3D printanja, ali i demonstrirali druge procese digitalne fabrikacije.
Oduševljeni mladi i njihovi učitelji bili su zaintrigirani svime što je pokazano i mogućnostima koje ove tehnologije nude.
While we are working on networking at Roma Maker Faire, the second team has held workshops for about 150 children from the elementary school Ivan Goran Kovačić and about 30 young people from the 18th gymnasium. Our young colleagues from the Mechanical Technical School Faust Vrančić, under the guidance of Kristina Škaler, showed the topic of 3D modeling and 3D printing, but also demonstrated other processes of digital fabrication.
The enthusiastic children and their teachers were intrigued by everything that was demonstrated in the possibilities offered by these technologies.